Sewing Truly is Therapeutic

We already knew that there were benefits to sewing, quilting and craft. We already knew because we feel it. We feel the calm when we sit down with a cup of tea and hand embroidery. We feel the joy of slicing through layers of fabric with a sharp blade. We feel the pleasure of seeing something beautiful develop from nothing using the gift of creation from our own hands.

Two specific articles passed by me this week.

The first, from ScienceAlert, discusses why having a crafting hobby is beneficial to our health.

The second is from The Guardian, and while lacks some of the more scientific evidence, and is a little more anecdotal, is an equally telling article about how sewing is calming.

I even worked on recovering from a dip due to illness through what I call my “Therapy Quilt” bringing me back into quilting.

In our modern world, many are struggling with mental illness such as depression, PTSD, and anxiety. Many others are struggling with physical illness, and doing a small scale hobby such as sewing helps divert from the pain, among other things.

Working with needle and thread is sensory friendly. The process builds self confidence. It can be meditative, can help lower blood pressure, can help us to cope with the stresses our minds and bodies encounter daily. If one is isolated, connecting with sewing communities (online or in person) can increase our self worth as we build relationships with others that have similar interests. Sewing is relaxing and uplifting.

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