My Quilting World

This was a big week in my quilting world.

The first thing that happened was that I attended my first ever quilt guild meeting, with the Pawtuckaway Piecers. I was a little nervous, because I had no idea what to expect. The women were all very welcoming though, and I was able to jump right in. I brought home some quilting to-dos: a bear paw name tag and pineapple blocks for a raffle quilt. Both require foundation paper piecing, which I have never done. New quilting friends, new technique to learn, new challenge to face.

The second thing that happened was that I attended the World Quilt New England in Manchester, NH. I didn’t register for any workshops, only viewed the exhibits. But, I love the experience of seeing the award winning designs.

One set of quilts at the exhibit that really stood out for me were the triptychs inspired by National Parks in the United States. These quilts are in a travelling exhibit as part of the book, Inspired by the National Park: Their Landscapes and Wildlife in Fabric Perspectives.

Other quilts that really inspired me used the depth created by free motion quilting, thread painting, dimensionality, and the use of vibrant colors.

In other news, I didn’t get ANY actual quilting done.

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