A Year of Quilting

I haven’t been sharing much of my quilting over the past year. Part of it is .. life .. Work, family, home. We adopted another cat, had to buy a new car and washer/dryer, travelled a bit, enjoyed some events, etc. I am still working on my Masters in Education which does take up most of my “free” time during the week, so it is harder to get into the sewing room.

I have been sewing… just not documenting much of it. Here are some things I have made or have been working on. I am still passionate about art quilts, especially collage, paint, Inktense and mixed media techniques. I created a huge pieced wedding quilt as a gift for my brother and new sister in law. My sister encouraged me to do a challenge creating some improv blocks. I work on the historical Jacob’s Ladder blocks here and there. Hopefully, I can devote a little more time to sewliloquies and sharing with you.

Nordic Triangles queen size quilt created as a gift

I definitely will be spending some time creating new goals for myself for 2023, and I may have some time during the holidays to reset and refocus on quilting.

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